Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello Mr. Recycling Man

Seriously?!?! I attempt to clean out the closet and pennies come flying off the shelves?!?! Where are the hundred dollar bills when you need them??

The closet. Can't even BEGIN to think of how I'll get through this.

This will be a short post since it is 9:20 at night and I just got home a few minutes ago. Today I met the faculty at my new school and got to work with my assistant for a little bit. I'm still slaving away and although I don't think it looks much better, everyone else says I'm getting there.

Room as of 9:00 pm Monday night.

I did have some success today. We went through two tall bookshelves and a few shelves in the teacher's closet and recycled 99% of what we found. The "litmus" test was - if it was made before I was born, PITCH IT. Let me tell you - most of it was.

Bookcase #1 - empty, Cloroxed, moved and ready to roll.

Bookcase #2 - most of the stuff on here went to recycling. So therapeutic.

This is going bye-bye. Along with 2 of those filing cabinets. The stuff that WAS on here is now on my floor. Oops!

Semi-success. Got a few shelves done. I'm hoping to only use these and the few behind my desk for my things so the rest of the room belongs to the kids.

I'm staring to get really excited to start school. I need some furniture removed from the room and can't even BEGIN to think about curriculum yet, but I got my class list today -- hooray! It's bound to change but right now I can only pronounce 1 name. Oh boy....

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