Saturday, December 19, 2009

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...

It has now been snowing in Charlottesville for almost 24 hours. For those readers who don't live in the south, this is a HUGE deal down here. Virginia doesn't have the manpower nor the equipment to handle this amount of snow, so Christopher and I are pretty much "snowed in." We currently have around two feet and it hasn't stopped yet!

We tried to go outside and make a ghetto sled out of a plastic wreath box but it turned out to be a giant FAIL. There's just too much snow and it's the light powdery kind that doesn't pack well. So much for that. It is beautiful out though, and quiet and peaceful.

I am a little tiffed that this is the first day of winter vacation for the elementary schools and the snow waited until now. I could have really used a snow day about two weeks ago when my kids were going CRAZY. I am really happy that we read and gave each kid a copy of Ezra Jack Keats' The Snowy Day. I hope they are all outside enjoying the massive amounts of precipitation - especially my refugees that have probably never seen snow.

So, since we are locked in, I thought I would post a few pictures of the Minsterman-Hartwell household as my winter vacation begins!

Last night as the snow begins to fall, I attempt to put on the most amazing Christmas album of all time. Mariah Carey. Empty case = another fail.

I came home to find the best presents under the tree. Six 2L bottles of Diet Coke. Now that's what I call Christmas. THANK YOU CHRISTOPHER CLAUS!

Now it is officially our 2nd Christmas, but here's a shot of our cheapo ornament that my ring was attached to last year. Tear... ;-)

As the snow began to really pick up last night...

Out the front door when we woke up.

This is as far as we can get the back door open.

Christopher managed to squeeze out to put down the umbrella on the patio table. His feet aren't even close to hitting the deck.

There may not be milk in any of the stores in town, but trust me - we're prepared. (At least for now, if Chris keeps going like this we'll be out by tonight!)

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

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